Rinalyn Bueza

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About Me

Hi! Let me introduce to you who Rinalyn Bueza is.

A Filipina, a wife, a sister, a sweet Aunt and an aspiring online freelancer. A person who is motivated, flexible, and a multi-tasker. In my childhood days I always wonder how my Mother manage everything, she could even find anything that is missing in our household. Multi-tasking is her niche. As I grow older I realized hard work and experience is the key to success. I believed that continuous learning is for everyone regardless of what age you are. Never stop exposing myself to new learnings that could help enhance my skills and capabilities.

Pioneer member of FHMOMS Volunteer Team

Filipina Homebased Moms (FHMOMS) is a support group created by a Filipina mother with the mission to help fellow parents, mothers especially, to find jobs suitable to their lifestyle through freelancing.

Supporting and helping my team and client in their virtual live events such as webinars, trainings and coaching.

Admin Assistant Task

Working with Brands and Organization

Technical Support

Livestreaming Services on Linked In and Facebook

Hosting Virtual Events

Facebook Group Admin and Facebook Page Manager

Approved Graphics and Contents

Simple Laptop Frame

Do you want to get recognized in Virtual World? Do you want to stand out using live streaming? Are you overwhelmed with all of the technology that comes with live streaming? If yes, that is where I and our team comes in.Our unique experience and expertise can help you get seen, get heard, and get recognized for who you are through live streaming.

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